Covid-19 and Co-production

Covid-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy and Practice – editors, Peter Beresford, Oli Williams, and others

Two open access books available free to download.”This two-volume set of Rapid Responses explores the urgent need to put co-production and participatory approaches at the heart of responses to the pandemic and demonstrates how policymakers, health and social care practitioners, patients, service users, carers and public contributors can make this happen.”

Volume 1: The challenges and necessity of co-production.

“The first volume investigates how, at the outset of the pandemic, the limits of existing structures severely undermined the potential of co-production. It also gives voice to a diversity of marginalised communities to illustrate how they have been affected and to demonstrate why co-produced responses are so important both now during this pandemic and in the future.” Available here

Volume 2: Co-production Methods and Working Together at a Distance.

“The second volume focuses on methods and means of co-producing during a pandemic. It explores a variety of case studies from across the global North and South and addresses the practical considerations of co-producing knowledge both now – at a distance – and in the future when the pandemic is over.” Available here.


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