Renewed funding for our network

showing headlines for theposting: Peer Support and Mentoring for survivor researchers. Our new Community Fund Awards for All project for 2025-26

SRN has obtained further funding from Community Fund Awards for All through to June 2026.

This funding will allow us to resume regular online Discussion and Support Group meetings for people with personal experience of mental distress interested in research and offer free mentoring sessions for people bringing their lived experience to research.

During the project we intend to:

  • resume monthly online Support and Discussion Group meetings for people with lived experience of mental distress/survivors involved or interested in research;
  • resume and expand our offer of free one-to-one or small group peer mentoring by experienced survivor researchers;
  • provide regular information resources within our community via the monthly newsletter, and keep our website and social media platforms updated;
  • expand our team by growing a larger active membership of our Community Interest Company;
  • continue developing our links with wider mental health and social care services and research communities

The first of the new series of Discussion and Support meetings is at 5.30pm on Tuesday 25th February where we will introduce the project. These meetings are intended to offer a space for mutual support, and will also provide opportunities for speaker led discussions and for researchers to talk about their research.

Your can keep in touch with this project and our other activities by signing up for our Newsletter here.


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