Uncovering the emotional labour of involvement and co-production

Article exploring ‘the emotional labour of involvement and co-production in mental health research as experienced by service user/survivor researchers and research managers.” by Alison Faulkner & Rose Thompson

“It is based on a consultation aiming to explore some of the emotional implications raised by bringing lived experience into mental health research, through interviewing people with experience on all sides of the challenges raised. The aim was to develop a research proposal on the basis of the issues raised. Our analysis identified themes describing the negotiation of identity, the emotional work of using and embodying lived experience, and aspects of the working environment. This consultation highlights the intersectional complexities of identity and alienation experienced by people who bring their lived experience of mental distress or using services into unprepared workplaces. It also sheds light on the structural factors that mitigate against the successful integration of lived experience into mental health research.”

Full article in Disability & Society journal available here


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