SRN Discussion and Support Group Meetings 2023

poster with olive green background showing the SRN logo on left, details of the meetings which are reproduced in the text to the centre, and a background discussion group logo on right consisting of a darker green circle connected to five smaller ones around it, all within a continuous orange border

Our next Discussion and Support Group meeting is on Wednesday 10 May.

These online meetings offer a space for people with lived experience of mental distress to discuss survivor research and the issues and barriers we face in getting involved in doing mental health research for ourselves. We usually have a main topic with a speaker, followed by some  time to bring issues of concern to the meeting for discussion and support.

Meeting Dates:

All meetings are at 17.30 – 19.00 UK time via Zoom


Wednesday 10 May – “Survivor research – navigating a publishing barrier: a case study”

For this meeting, survivor researcher, Dr Joy Rooney is speaking about the issues explored in her  recent article in the Disability & Society journal:

“This current issue article addresses the challenges of anonymous peer review by those who are not peers of survivor researchers. A case study will be presented describing how reviewers from four journals chose to reject an article by a survivor researcher. The evidence is presented among views of notable survivor researchers who work in this field, also mentioning the wider challenges to all researchers seeking publication.


Dr Joy M Rooney PhD. CBiol. BSc.(hons). MRSB. DET. RSA. is a retired research scientist (agricultural plant sciences), who, in more recent years, became a survivor researcher associated with the IMPACT group of service users and carers within the University of Worcester, UK. She now has around fifty-five publications, including conference proceedings delivered in UK, Europe and Canada, many as senior author. She is currently a part-time, Well-being Tutor, with The Workers’ Education Association (WEA) UK.”

You can register for the Zoom meeting here.


Previous meetings

Tuesday 7 March

‘A discourse analysis on cultural toxicity as one of the causes of mental health issues’. Speaker, Fundile Nkala (Sigola, Zimbabwe).


Wednesday 18 January

“Democratising research: the development of an online Research Methods Toolkit”. Speaker Professor Hanna Kienzler (UCL, London)



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