News and Views
All the news items and blog articles are listed here in chronological order – latest a the top. Each post needs two categories – one to indicate what type of post it is, and the other relates to subject matter. Posts of certain types are also displayed elsewhere on the website – eg srn news other news, blog articles.
Ethical, political and methodological struggles in doing survivor research
A recording is now available of this 15 March workshop with Konstantina Poursanidou PhD - 'Can you help me get out?: Ethical, Political & Methodological Struggles in Doing Survivor Research in Mental Health Critical Voices Network Ireland...
Polarised mental health politics and the struggle for ambivalence
A recording is now available of of this 22 March workshop with Konstantina Poursanidou PhD - "And the Activists tell us that Meds are Evil: Polarised mental health politics and the struggle for ambivalence" Critical Voices Network Ireland (CVNI)...
SRN May Discussion and Support Group
Remembering Peter Campbell - SRN Discussion and Support Group meeting - Tuesday 3rd May at 17.30-19.00. In our May meeting, we will now be remembering Peter Campbell, an important figure in the survivor movement from the 1980s onwards, who died on...
‘Negotiating the swamp’ – Tuesday 5 April
‘Negotiating the swamp’: Struggles and ways forward in navigating our identities as experts ‘with’ experience in academic research contexts. "An online dialogue with Dina Poursanidou, Veenu Gupta and Helen Spandler - 14.00 - 15.30 BST, Tuesday 5...
Crafting Contention through MadZines – Wednesday 6 April
For our next Discussion and Support Group meeting at 17.30 - 19.00 on Wednesday 6th April via Zoom, we have two speakers. Helen Spandler will give an overview of the MadZines project, a 3 year research project exploring the role of zines in...
Mental Health Act Reform: Analysis from professional and lived experience
Online event on Wednesday 9th March, 09.30 - 16.30 - UK Mental Health Act reform: Can it deliver racial justice and ensure the rights and wellbeing of people with mental health problems? All day online event sponsored by Garden Court barristers...
SRN February Discussion and Support Group
Our next SRN Discussion and Support Group meeting is on Wednesday 23 February at 17.30-19.00. This is a space for people with lived experience of mental distress to discuss survivor research concepts and texts and the issues and barriers we face...
Service User Researcher/Academic: A lived contradiction?
We are publishing this blog article by Dina Poursanidou introducing her presentation: Dina writes: Back in 2021 I was invited to lead a symposium session at the 6th Authenticity to Action Conference which sought to celebrate Public and Patient...
Routledge International Handbook of Mad Studies
New collection edited By Peter Beresford and Jasna Russo. "By drawing broadly on international thinking and experience, this book offers a critical exploration of Mad Studies and advances its theory and practice. Comprised of 34 chapters written by...
SRN session at NSUN 2021 agm
A recording of our session at the NSUN 2021 AGM is now available. The session was entitled Survivor Researchers: What do we bring? After a short introduction to SRN, Dina Poursanidou delivered a presentation drawing on mental health service user...
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